It’s important for beginners to choose the correct track plan when deciding on building an N scale shelf layout. N scale shelf layouts are particularly useful when you have limited space.
Building your layout on a shelf gives you the ability to still run utilize switching layout designs and maintain all of the intricacies that are expected with N scale. One interesting alternative to shelves is N scale coffee table layouts.
Why build an N scale shelf layout?
N scale shelf layouts are a very popular choice for model train enthusiasts. First off, it saves space while still providing the flexibility for detail. For example. you can add switch junctions, turn tables and even mountain scenery.
Majority of what can be expected in a larger dimension layouts can be added to a shelf layout without needing a very strong craftsmen skillset. Another good reason is if your budget is tight and you don’t have the luxury of spending on this hobby.
What’s the best track plan for an N scale shelf layout?
If you only have a very small spare room such as a utility room then your track plan might be a bit more limited than someone who’s got enough space for an around the room shelf layout. The main thing to focus on is what you’re looking to achieve from the layout.
- Do you want a switching layout moves trains to service industries?
- Do you want an operations layout that imitates realistic prototype designs?
- Are you simply looking for a continuously running loop to loop layout?
Top Rated Track Plans for
Model Train Beginners
Including continuous running loop to loop, oval, figure eight and dog bone track plans
N Scale Shelf Layout Track Plan Example
This N scale shelf layout track plan dimensions is 18″x72″. It uses PECO N scale code 80 medium turnout. The turnout radius requires a 10″ minimum radius. The shelf track plan has creative building features such as a fruit packing industry building and a larger structure that conceals the end of the track.
Now let’s jump into a few popular N scale shelf layouts that you can use for inspiration when building your own model train layout.
Small N Scale Shelf Layout
It’s not just the model train that can be made to look realistic but also all of its surroundings. This layout is a little over 300mm (1ft) long. In this case, we have micro engineering N scale track items like ballast and teased green carpet fibers for rail side undergrowth models mixed with Woodland Scenics materials.
Small Scale Rock Mountainside
This layout rock mountainside was built from scratch as NSW rolling stock, while others were second-hand kits purchased at bargain prices. The tanks hold the fuel that powers the trains. If you are interested in scenery techniques, this small scale rock mountainside layout might represent your vision of a wilderness setting.
N Scale Shelf Switching Layout
This N scale layout has some interesting construction methods and materials. This is an excellent option for N scale modelers who want to create a layout with more than just a single track. With this type of layout, you can create a small scene with multiple tracks, adding a lot of interest and realism to your display. The final photo above shows the town buildings and station back in place with an added tunnel portal that was a completed rock wall.
5’x9′ N Gauge Shelf Layout

This N gauge shelf layout is for DC operations. The N gauge shelf layout measures 5ft (length) x 9” ( width) x 8” (height) + 4 feet fiddle yard. This Fiddle Yard has a half-way dead switch which means that two trains can use the same track. It also includes holes drilled into it for point motors. This makes it easier to customize your layout. Fitted strip light and a single-track Gaugemaster controller are also included.
7’x3′ N Scale Shelf Layout
The layout of this wonderful piece is sure to be a hit with any collector or enthusiast. It features an overall size that’s over 7 feet long with a main station board of 4 feet, a fiddle yard of 3 feet, a width of 9 inches, and a depth of 8 inches. The Terminus Station’s platforms have an isolating segment at the buffer stops that allows two locomotives to operate simultaneously.